Year 2005 Photos
31 December New Year at the Grand Canyon
29 December Visit to Biosphere2
28 December The Titan II ICBM museum near Tuscon, Arizona
27 December Visit to the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak
26 December Visit to Arcosanti
17-23 December Quentin and Doerte's visit New Mexico
14-25 December Walking near Sedona
8 December Fondue at the Narderant Hut
6 November Walk and Flight from below the Aiguille de Varan*
31 October Pumpkins!
25 October Geneva Sunrise
15 October Flight from the Grammont*
9 October The Via Ferrata de Jules Carret and the Croix de Nivolet
3/4 September Flight from the Dome de Miage*
4-12 June Climbing at Orpierre
26 May Quick tour of the Aravis*
2 April Flight from Annecy to Saleve*
Index Home * Mainly paragliding images